In the Laboratory for measurements at large-scale user facilities, we study materials with experimental techniques that are only accessible in a handful of places worldwide and are invaluable as they complement the experiments that can be done at the “Jožef Stefan” Institute. Since 2008, we have had 89 projects accepted by the large-scale user facilities.
A short introduction to our experimental and numerical methods (.pptx)
Experimental techniques:
- muon spin spectroscopy
- neutron diffraction
- inelastic neutron scattering
high-field electron spin resonance
Group members:

Paul Scherrer Institute
Villigen, Switzerland

- The nature of superconductivity and the Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid in quasi-one-dimensional metal, GPS (2022), Denis Arčon (PI)
- Nature of the spin-liquid ground state in the Ising triangular antiferromagnet, GPS & HAL-9500 (2022), Andrej Zorko (PI)
- Nature of the spin-liquid ground state in the breathing kagome antiferromagnet with strong breathing anisotropy, GPS & HAL-9500 (2021), Andrej Zorko (PI)
- Magnetic ground state and excitations of the honeycomb-lattice antiferromagnet, GPS (2020), Andrej Zorko (PI)
- Novel magnetic phases in the quantum critical region, HAL-9500 (2020), Matej Pregelj (PI)
- Frustration-stabilized skyrmions, GPS & HAL-9500 (2019), Matjaž Gomilšek (PI)
- Study of the effect of controlled disorder on the magnetic ground state of the triangular lattice antiferromagnet, GPS (2019), Andrej Zorko (PI)
- muSR investigation of the kagome antiferromagnet (2018), GPS, Andrej Zorko (PI)
- Magnetic ground state in a quasi-one-dimensional S = 1/2 chain compound, DMC (2022), Matej Pregelj (PI)
- Detecting structural deformations in the breathing kagome antiferromagnet with strong breathing anisotropy, HRPT (2021), Andrej Zorko (PI)
- Magnetic ordering in a quasi-one-dimensional S= 1/2 chain compound, FOCUS (2020), Matej Pregelj (PI)
- Detecting magnetic order in the kagome antiferromagnet, DMC (2018), Matej Pregelj (PI)
STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
Didcot, UK

- Characterization of a spin-liquid state in the triangular lattice antiferromagnet, EMU (2021), Andrej Zorko (PI)
- Field-induced low-temperature magnetic phase in alkali-metal sesquioxides, MUSR (2019), Denis Arčon (PI)
- Quantum spin-liquid state in a triangular lattice of S = 1/2 spin trimers, MUSR (2019), Andrej Zorko (PI)
- Spin liquid state in a novel rare-earth based triangular lattice antiferromagnet, MUSR (2019), Andrej Zorko (PI)
- Frustration-stabilised high-field skyrmions, HIFI (2018), Matjaž Gomilšek (PI)
- Valence bond solid in the charge ordered state, MUSR (2019), Denis Arčon (PI)
- Sample-cooling effects on the field-induced low-temperature magnetic phase, MUSR (2019), Andrej Zorko (PI)
- Magnetic ground state in the Kitaev honeycomb-lattice antiferromagnet candidate, WISH (2020), Matej Pregelj (PI)
- Quantum spin liquid in the triangular antiferromagnet, WISH (2021), Matej Pregelj (PI)
- Crystal-field and magnetic excitations, MARI (2019), Matej Pregelj (PI)
Institut Laue-Langevin
Grenoble, France

neutron scattering
- Correlations in the spin-liquid ground state of the Ising triangular antiferromagnet, D7 (2021), Andrej Zorko (PI)
- Magnetic ground states in layered metamagnets – towards understandingbroadband electromagnetic radiation absorption, D1B (2021), Matej Pregelj (PI)
- Magnetic ordering in a quasi-one-dimensional S= 1/2 chain compound, D1B (2021), Matej Pregelj (PI)
National High Magnetic Field Laboratory
Tallahassee, USA

high-field electron spin resonance
- ESR Investigation of Novel Spin-Liquid Candidates on Frustrated Lattices, EMR (2021), Andrej Zorko (PI)